As I sat down to write our first ever CrossFit Northlake Coaches Blog I brainstormed for several minutes about where to begin. As much as I love keeping journals it has never really been something that I ever thought about sharing myself. I sat reflecting on my own CrossFit journey and tried to pinpoint what the most important aspect for working out everyday was for me. It didn’t take long for me to realize that what keeps me going on a daily basis comes down to pure motivation. I urge all of our new members to think about what motivates you on a daily basis before embarking on this incredible journey that we call CrossFit.
First I would like to start by saying if you are coming to the gym because someone signed you up or made you come, you may want to take another path to fitness. Your motivation needs to be a very personal decision and needs to be fueled by your own choice in life to get healthy, strong and fit. If you are coming because of someone else’s ideas for your life and how they think you should look, your CrossFit career may be short lived. I can promise you insane results, but the path to get there is not always an easy one. Most days it will take everything you have, but you will leave the gym feeling like a million bucks and with a smile on your face that says, “wow, did I really just do that?”
Being completely transparent, my own motivators are several fold. First and foremost I believe in the concept of always giving 100%. I love the workouts that we do and how much stronger CrossFit has made me and have made a personal commitment to always give 100% no matter what. On some days that 100% may look a little different from others, but the most important thing is that I showed up and did what I could. I like to record that in my wod book on a daily basis. There are some days that I know that I didn’t give all that I had which just lets me know to try harder the next day. It is an important concept that I want my kids to learn too. I always tell people I will support my children no matter what activity they choose in life whether it be music, sports, art, etc. My biggest message to them will be no matter what you choose make sure you give 100%. As you start your journey at CrossFit Northlake may that be your motto too. Come in the doors, leave problems behind for an hour, don’t worry about the people around you and what skills they are proficient at and give it 100% of your own personal best. I promise those insane results I referenced before will soon follow.
Another motivator for me is my children. I am a big believer in practicing what you preach and leading by example. Goal setting is a big deal to me and I want it to be a big deal for my children as well. Something that motivates me in the gym everyday is knowing that my children have watched me set goals for myself and nothing makes me work harder than to see their little faces pressed up against the glass in the childcare room in the gym watching me try to achieve my goals. Another tip as you start your CrossFit career here at Northlake is to make goals. Maybe it is to run a mile, or finish a 5k, do a kipping pullup or lift a barbell over your head. Share your goals, let your family watch you accomplish your goals, and let the coaches here hold you accountable to them. The intrinsic growth and feeling you will derive from goal setting will build immeasurable self confidence and will spark those around you to start working hard as well.
Lastly maybe your motivation is to be stronger, fitter and healthier. You have come to the right place and will not find a stronger community of people to support that motivator than in a CrossFit gym. People will cheer you through a workout, hold you accountable through nutrition challenges and motivate you on days that you just didn’t feel like coming. Through it all you will become the healthiest and strongest you have ever been.
Whatever your motivators are, I encourage you to find them and tap into them before each workout. Make a goal board for yourself, hang a quote or picture, or just mentally give yourself that 100% reminder before you open our doors. With motivators in place we assure you that you will get the results that you are looking for. I have attached one of my favorite motivational videos below. It has some of my favorite quotes and features a lot of insanely strong women. I have watched it on many occasions when I just didn’t have the motivation I needed to go workout.
– Amy
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me.””
– Erma Bombeck