It is that time of year again to revisit, update and create new goals on the Northlake goal board. I have absolutely loved seeing the amount of goals accomplished by our members throughout this year. I took many pictures of the board tonight in case people don’t get to check their goals from this year out before I wipe the board clean for next year. I did this because I know that for some, goals will be ongoing and will build on previous goals that were created and achieved. My plan is to have the board ready for goals to be re set by December 21. Start thinking about the next set of goals that you want to put on the board. Some will remain the same and new ones will be created. These don’t all have to be Crossfit and Bootcamp related either. They can be goals that you have established in life that you want extra accountability for. Either way we are here to help, and can’t wait to help you along in the process!