October Member of the Month





1: Where are you from originally?

I am originally from the San Francisco Bay Area in California.


2. What is your favorite WOD/movement?

Im a wannabe meat-head and love barbell movements, especially Cleans and the Snatch. I also like rowing.


3. What is your least favorite WOD/ Movement?

I not a big fan of running but endurance class is helping me get over this slowly.


4. What were you doing before CrossFit? How did you hear about CrossFit and/ CrossFit Northlake?

Before Crossfit, I did the typical Y routine. I was working out with a personal trainer that used some of the same movements and format as Crossfit. I had a friend that was working out at Crossfit Vitality and he invited me to try it out, which I did. The warm-up wrecked me and I loved it. I met Amy and Jason through Crossfit Vitality and followed them to Crossfit Northlake because of the great atmosphere they have built.


5. What other sports or activities do you participate in as a family besides CrossFit?

My daughters and I like to swim and go hiking.


6. How many times per week do you CrossFit?

I make it Crossfit about 5 days a week. Any less than that and I get cranky. J


7. What is your athletic background?

I’ve never been really into organized sports. I did some sprinting in college, but it was usually just to get away from whatever trouble I was getting into.


8. Give us some insight as to your thoughts after your first workout at CrossFit Northlake.

I was so glad because I knew it was exactly what I was looking for. The atmosphere was so supportive.


9. Do you have any special or favorite CrossFit Northlake


I think my favorite memories were from some of the competitions we have done like War of the Wods in Greensboro and the Wod for Dogs. It was so much fun and we had so many Northlake people competing and cheering so it was a great time.


10. What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Northlake?

I would encourage them to keep coming back and ask questions. The community at Northlake is so supportive and helpful and I think we all want to see everyone improve and do their best.


11. What is your eating style?

I try to eat clean and limit gains and sugar and eat lots of vegetables.


12. What kind of results have you seen since starting at CrossFit Northlake

I have seen amazing results and lost about 40 lbs. More importantly though, I have seen a lot of strength gains and I am healthier. Amy has been so helpful in getting my nutrition and supplements on track.


13. What do you do for a living?

I am the Carolinas Market Segment Manager at Ernst and Young, so I work on the business development team. Before that, I worked in the Commercial Construction industry and helped win new projects.


14. What drive you to be an active family?

I have two little girls and want them to have an active and healthy life, so it is important to me that they are around people that illustrate that.

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