1: Where are you from originally?
I am originally from San Antonio, TX but I now live in Dallas, TX.
2. What is your favorite WOD/movement?
My favorite WOD is a “Fight Gone Bad” and my favorite movement is Squat Cleans.
3. What is your least favorite WOD/ Movement?
My least favorite movement is Thrusters.
4. What were you doing before CrossFit? How did you hear about CrossFit and/ CrossFit Northlake?
- I was doing P90X2 and Insanity prior to CrossFit.
- I started doing CrossFit while on assignment in Houston 2 years ago.
- CrossFit Northlake was near to my hotel and had great reviews, so it is a great choice.
5. What other sports or activities do you participate in as a family besides CrossFit?
My activities besides CrossFit is anything outdoors with my girls; i.e. biking, flying kites, swimming or going to the park.
6. How many times per week do you CrossFit?
I CrossFit 5-6 times a week. I have invested in a home box with the essentials but I love my three days in CrossFit Northlake.
7. What is your athletic background?
I played football from the time I was a young boy through my Junior year of College.
8. Give us some insight as to your thoughts after your first workout at CrossFit Northlake.
- My first thought was that CrossFit Northlake RUNS A LOT!!!
- The CrossFit ladies are extremely strong and competitive!!!
9. Do you have any special or favorite CrossFit Northlake memories/moments?
Everytime I go to CrossFit Northlake, it is a real blessing. I get to work out with my colleagues from work and the athletes in the 6am class are amazing and friendly.
10. What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Northlake?
- Do not be afraid to scale work within yourself
- Make mobility a priority
- Go Hard and have fun
11. What is your eating style?
Since I have a corporate apartment now, I can manage eating a paleo’ish diet. I try to eat meat and veggies and have my portions of avocado and sweet potato.
12. What kind of results have you seen since starting at CrossFit Northlake
I am very excited to say that I am doing things I have never done before. I can string five kipping pull ups, I can do HSPU, my endurance is at an all-time high, I am more flexible than I have ever been and my OLY Technique is heavily improved and I have hit PR’s on all of my lifts.
13. What do you do for a living?
I am a Technology Consultant for Accenture. I am on assignment with SABIC located here in Huntersville
14. What drive you to be an active family?
I use to be 300lbs. I was getting bigger by the week. When my first daughter was born I decieded it was time to make changes. Make no doubt that I still have my vices but I have learned to compensate with physical activity mainly CrossFit. My beautiful girls drive me to be a better husband, dad, professional and person.