February’s members of the month are the Smalle family. For those of you who have not met Grant, Flavia, or Mikel please make sure the next time you are in class with them to introduce yourself. What has impressed us the most about them is that they truly believe in the entire family being active. Three times a week they come to CrossFit together and push each other to finish the workouts as best they can. Not only are they involved in CrossFit but many other sports as a family as well. Awesome job and keep up the great work!
1: Where are you from originally?
The three of us (Grant, Mikel and me) were born in South Africa, Faye was born here in North Carolina.
2. What is your favorite WOD/movement?
- Grant- so far I would say rowing.
- Flavia- squats, without weight’s for my feet J
- Mikel- running
3. What is your least favorite WOD/ Movement?
- Grant- Cannot say I have a least favorite. Some just hurt my back and knees more like squat clings.
- Flavia- Burpies !!!!
- Mikel- Plate push
4. What were you doing before CrossFit? How did you hear about CrossFit and/ CrossFit Northlake?
We participated in Taekwondo for the past 5 years and where looking for a change. We had been looking at Crossfit and other personal workout styles for some time and our neighbor Shannon Young mentioned that this new box had just opened up and we should come and check it out. We did and loved the vibe we got from Jason and Amy, so here we are!
5. What other sports or activities do you participate in as a family besides CrossFit?
Skiing, Taekwondo, baseball and running.
6. How many times per week do you CrossFit?
Sadly only 3 times a week
7. What is your athletic background?
- Grant- I played both high school and college state level field hockey and competed for about a year in Taekwondo competitions.
- Flavia- Played baseball and netball (girl version of basketball) in high school and competed a couple times in Taekwondo competitions, loved to spar!
- Mikel- Baseball, loves playing catcher and short stop for his travelling team, have a passion for slalom and GS ski racing, competed in this year’s races and have placed a couple times. Ran cross country for school. I competed in Taekwondo competitions as well.
8. Give us some insight as to your thoughts after your first workout at CrossFit Northlake.
- Grant- I was thinking this could be interesting. The workout challenged you sufficiently that you did not want to give up but knew you were going to be hurting the next day. This was my biggest fear as I have been battling with both my back and knee issues for the past few years.
- Flavia- Tired but was excited to try all the new move’s. Confused with all the movement names (still am J )
- Mikel- Was fun & wanted to do more.
9. Do you have any special or favorite CrossFit Northlake memories/moments?
- Grant- I really enjoy the workouts, both strength and WOD’s, and also all the individual level, you never feel that you are exercising by yourself.
- Flavia- Yes finished the 5000m row, that was hard and I was ready to give up, but with everyone encouraging me I completed it and was really impressed.
- Mikel- being able to compete with my folks.
10. What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Northlake?
- Grant- Live it, eat it and just enjoy it. No matter how tough it feels it ends almost as quickly as it started. If you try it, it often is not really that hard or difficult so trust your trainers, they know what they are talking about.
- Flavia- Just come and enjoy our Crossfit family! We work hard and sweat together but Jason and Amy make it fun!
- Mikel- Work hard, the benefits are great.
11. What is your eating style?
Paleo/ Gluten free
12. What kind of results have you seen since starting at CrossFit Northlake
Feel stronger, more alert and healthy. Coupled with paleo we think the double affects really makes a real difference.
13. What do you do for a living?
- Grant- Work as Transition/Implementation Director for one of the major financial service companies in Charlotte.
- Flavia- Work as new account administrator for a money manager in Charlotte.
- Mikel- School L
14. What drive’s you to be an active family?
- Grant- I think it’s neat to do stuff as a family. We also have a lot of healthy competition. Mikel regularly finishes ahead of me and now also beats me in downhill skiing. My goal is to catch up to him.
- Flavia- Just being able to work at something together. To show our kids that you are never too old to work hard at something (no matter what it is). Hopefully we are able to install the passion and love for life and health in our kids by showing them we do.
- Mikel- to spend time with everyone, enjoying ourselves, by working hard.